About PELI for Advanced Practice Providers

Advanced Practice Providers (APPs) are a crucial component of today’s patient care team and are increasingly taking on leadership roles across a wide range of practice settings. The Hanley Center recognizes the importance of these medical professionals and has tailored its Foundational Level Leadership Institute Course to support their learning and skill building and enable their success. The curriculum is intended for APPs as they take on roles that require leadership and management skills. This course also provides connections and networking opportunities with other APPs and healthcare professionals as part of the vast Hanley Center Alumni Network.

About the Physician & Provider Executive Leadership Institute (PELI)

About the Physician & Provider Executive Leadership Institute (PELI)

A first-in-the-nation program, Hanley’s Physician & Provider Executive Leadership Institute (PELI) develops physician and provider leaders through intensive, national-caliber professional development coursework. Courses are available for both individuals, and organizations purchasing for their employees.

The PELI institute hosts 3 courses: Foundational, Foundational for Advanced Practice Providers (PELI APP), and Advanced:

  • The Foundational Course is aimed at physicians and other providers who are taking on roles that require management and leadership skills.
  • The PELI APP course focuses on Advanced Practice Professionals, and imparts the management and leadership skills and tools necessary to assure their success in leading practices, teams and projects.
  • The Advanced Course provides a deeper graduate level of leadership competency and theory based professional development for experienced physician and senior level advanced practice providers. 

Both the Foundational and Advanced Courses focus on the following set of core competencies:

1. Systems Awareness

Systems awareness recognizes that decisions made at one level affect all others. This core competency will teach leaders how to:

  • influence these decisions to improve productivity and community welfare
  • think and act from a whole system perspective
  • make decisions in light of the long-term health of the whole system

2. Strategic Focus

Strategic focus measures the creative use of power, effective decision-making, and the ability to influence systems and policies. Strategic focus develops leaders to be purposeful, visionary, and goal-directed so they develop goal achievement, execution, and high performance.

3. Key Management/Business Skills

The area of key management/business skills teaches leaders how to understand and interpret financial statements, use financial ratios, and prepare an effective budget. Also:

  • key marketing concepts and strategies
  • IT tools and their use in healthcare organizations
  • performance management tools
  • the importance of having effective conversations with employees/direct reports
  • the basics of reimbursement – Medicare/Medicaid
  • allocation of expenses

4. Self-Awareness

The self-awareness competency focuses on ongoing professional and personal development that is expressed through integrity and vulnerability, such as taking tough stands, having uncomfortable conversations, and handling relationship problems.

5. Healthcare Trends

The healthcare trend competency teaches emerging healthcare delivery system models, understanding the new post-pandemic normal, and navigating the continuing healthcare workforce shortage.

6. Teamwork and Collaboration

The teamwork and collaboration competency teaches leaders how to foster collaborative, high-performance teamwork among members across their organization. It will also teach:

  • how to find mutually beneficial agreements
  • how to develop synergy
  • how to create win-win situations
Course Overview

What this course offers:

Participants will gain knowledge, skills, and tools in the following core competency areas, empowering them to lead and transform our healthcare delivery system:

  • Systems awareness
  • Strategic focus
  • Management/business skills
  • Self-awareness
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Healthcare trends
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • 1:1 executive coaching with our faculty during the course, an extremely valuable professional service that benefits leaders and emerging leaders at every level
Enrollment and Tuition
Course Logistics
  • The course consists of 6, two-evening sessions and 4, 90-minute intersessions taking place over a year.
  • All sessions will be delivered via Zoom, with sessions being Mondays and Tuesdays: 6:00 pm-9:00 pm
  • Intersessions, Mondays: 6:00 pm-7:30 pm
Dates & CME Information

APP 5 Session dates:


  • September 8-9: Session 1:Emerging Healthcare Trends and Systems Thinking
  • October 27-28: Session 2: Intrapersonal Skills – Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Self-Assessment 
  •  November 17: Intersession 1
  • December 1-2: Session 3: Interpersonal Skills – Communications and Working with Others


  • January 12: Intersession 2
  • February 9-10: Session 4: Organizational Management and Business Skills
  • March 9-10: Session 5: Teamwork and Collaboration 
  • April 13: Intersession 3
  • May 11-12: Session 6: Change Management & Course Conclusion


CME Information

The Maine Medical Education Trust designates this regularly scheduled series this for a maximum of 38 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

CCMEA Accreditation Statement

Maine Medical Education Trust is accredited by the Maine Medical Association’s Committee on Continuing Medical Education to provide continuing medical education (CME) to practicing physicians.

Joint Providership Statement

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the accreditation requirements and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) through the joint providership of the Maine Medical Education Trust and Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership. The Maine Medical Education Trust is accredited by the Maine Medical Association Committee on Continuing Medical Education and Accreditation to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

APP Process for CMEs

APPs must use certificate of course completion to apply and receive CMEs through their APP certification process or organization. The Hanley center will be happy to assist APPs in this process. For assistance, please reach out to Janell Lewis at jlewis@hanleyleadership.org.