Hanley 2024 Forum Recap: Embracing Age Equity in Healthcare

On May 2nd, the Hanley Center hosted its 2024 Forum, Embracing Age Equity in Healthcare: Overcoming Ageism. The Hanley Center partnered with a range of experts on aging in designing both the content and format of the day.

We heard from Dr. Rebecca Spear, Director of Geriatric Medicine Fellowship, Maine-Dartmouth Family Medicine Residency, and Jess Maurer, Esq., Executive Director at Maine Council on Aging. These guest speakers discussed ways to combat ageism, foster age equity, and promote age-positivity in healthcare. Dr. Marilyn Gugliucci, Director of Geriatrics Education and Research at the University of New England, led a provocative debrief from our World Café process that responded to questions about what healthcare leaders can do to improve age equity. This discussion laid the groundwork for making progress toward challenging ageism.

Throughout the day, discussions delved deep into the impact of age discrimination across healthcare, from the practice level to workforce challenges. By acknowledging the experiences of older adults, including LGBTQ+ individuals, people with disabilities, and racial/ethnic minority communities, we took crucial steps towards creating a more equitable society for all generations.

As the forum ended, there was a palpable sense of empowerment and determination among participants. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspired by the stories of resilience shared throughout the day, attendees wrote down their personal commitment for making change and left the event with a renewed energy to make  a difference in their communities and workplaces.

The Hanley Forum 2024 wasn’t just about discussion—it was about action. And as we reflect on the day, we are reminded of the transformative power of collaborative and collective effort in advancing age equity and building a more inclusive future for generations to come.

You can continue the inspiring conversations we had by reviewing and utilizing the slide deck, video, and handouts from the forum below:

Ageism poster

Ageism trifold

Community Aging In Place – Lewiston Housing Flyer


Maine Geriatrics Conference-Save The Date 2024

Power in Aging Flyer

Forum World Cafe Notes

Bright Spots Panel Youtube Channel on Age Positivity

Hanley Forum 2024 Slide Deck