Health Inequity Training

In All Fairness

An important initiative of the Hanley Center, in collaboration with the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Health Equity, has been the “In All Fairness” video series. These videos are meant to be resources for healthcare professionals to build awareness and prompt action to address health inequities—those differences in health status and/or access that disproportionately affect people from disadvantaged populations.  This project began with the first “In All Fairness” video (focused on the Somali community, rural homebound elders, and homeless youth), and a second video addressing a new collection of subpopulations facing health disparities (people with mental illness and substance abuse addiction, transgender individuals, and Maine’s tribal communities) in Maine’s healthcare system was added in August, 2015.  These videos provide a rich opportunity for a discussion of implicit bias and its impact on healthcare interactions.  Implicit bias refers to those attitudes or stereotypes that affect our understanding, actions, and decisions in an unconscious manner and often contribute to healthcare disparities.

Please use these videos as a resource for your disparities training and education.  We encourage you to facilitate conversations in your workplace and community. We have developed a facilitators guide to assist you in hosting a conversation about the perspectives shared in the videos.

Health Inequity Training Videos

Older Adults

New Immigrants

Transgender Individuals 


Unhoused Individuals

Native People


We would value your feedback. Send an email and tell us how/where you used this resource, what you found helpful, what you learned, and what improvements you would make.

To learn more about how you can grow your leadership skills and better address health inequities like these, we encourage you to consider our leadership courses.